Material of the collection

Families represented in the HNHM Diptera collection (2011)

1. Acartophthalmidae
2. Acroceridae
3. Agromyzidae
4. Anisopodidae
5. Anthomyiidae
6. Anthomyzidae
7. Apioceridae
8. Asilidae
9. Asteiidae
10. Atelestidae
11. Athericidae
12. Aulacigastridae
13. Axiniidae
14. Axymyiidae
15. Bibionidae
16. Blephariceridae
17. Bolitophilidae
18. Bombyliidae
19. Borboropsidae
20. Braulidae
21. Brachystomatidae
22. Calliphoridae
23. Camillidae
24. Campichoetidae
25. Canaceidae
26. Canthyloscelididae
27. Carnidae
28. Cecidomyiidae
29. Celyphidae
30. Ceratopogonidae
31. Chamaemyiidae
32. Chaoboridae
33. Chironomidae
34. Chloropidae
35. Chyromyidae
36. Clusiidae
37. Coelopidae
38. Coenomyiidae
39. Conopidae
40. Corethrellidae
41. Cnemospathididae
42. Cramptonomyiidae
43. Cryptochetidae
44. Ctenostylidae
45. Culicidae
46. Curtonotidae
47. Cylindrotomidae
48. Cypselosomatidae
49. Diadocidiidae
50. Diastatidae
51. Diopsidae
52. Ditomyiidae
53. Dixidae
54. Dolichopodidae
55. Drosophilidae
56. Dryomyzidae
57. Empididae
58. Ephydridae
59. Fanniidae
60. Fergusoninidae
61. Gasterophilidae
62. Glossinidae
63. Gobryidae
64. Helcomyzidae
65. Heleomyzidae
66. Hesperinidae
67. Hippoboscidae
68. Hybotidae
69. Hypodermatidae
70. Ironomyiidae
71. Keroplatidae
72. Lauxaniidae
73. Limoniidae
74. Lonchaeidae
75. Lonchopteridae
76. Lygistorrhinidae
77. Macroceridae
78. Megamerinidae
79. Micropezidae
80. Microphoridae
81. Milichiidae
82. Mormotomyiidae

83. Muscidae
84. Mycetobiidae
85. Mycetophilidae
86. Mydidae
87. Mythicomyiidae
88. Nannodastiidae
89. Natalimyzidae
90. Nemestrinidae
91. Neminidae
92. Neottiophilidae
93. Neriidae
94. Neurochaetidae
95. Nothybidae
96. Nycteribiidae
97. Odiniidae
98. Oestridae
99. Opetiidae
100. Opomyzidae
101. Otitidae
102. Pachyneuridae
103. Pallopteridae
104. Pediciidae
105. Periscelididae
106. Phaeomyiidae
107. Phoridae
108. Phytalmiidae
109. Piophilidae
110. Pipunculidae
111. Platypezidae
112. Platystomatidae
113. Pleciidae
114. Pseudopomyzidae
115. Psilidae
116. Psychodidae
117. Pyrgotidae
118. Ptychopteridae
119. Rachiceridae
120. Rhagionidae
121. Rhinophoridae
122. Rhopalomeridae
123. Richardiidae
124. Risidae
125. Sarcophagidae
126. Scathophagidae
127. Scatopsidae
128. Scenopinidae
129. Sciadoceridae (or Sciadocerinae within Phoridae)
130. Sciaridae
131. Sciomyzidae
132. Sepsidae
133. Simuliidae
134. Somatiidae
135. Spaniidae
136. Sphaeroceridae
137. Stratiomyidae
138. Streblidae
139. Strongylophthalmyiidae
140. Syrphidae
141. Tabanidae
142. Tachinidae
143. Tachiniscidae
144. Tanyderidae
145. Tanypezidae
146. Tephritidae
147. Teratomyzidae
148. Tethinidae
149. Thaumaleidae
150. Therevidae
151. Tipulidae
152. Trichoceridae
153. Trixoscelididae
154. Ulidiidae
155. Vermileonidae
156. Xenasteiidae
157. Xylomyiidae
158. Xylophagidae


Represented countries in HNHM Diptera collection

The colors refer to the significance of the material collected in the referred country (Hungary is claret-coloured).


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